PRIZE: A Chevy car each, a trip for two around the world, $250,000, and the title of TARC!

START LOCATION: Bangkok, Thailand.
END LOCATION: Ottawa, Ontario!

DOUBLE U-TURN AHEAD! And we saw our first Amazing Race Canada S5 alliance! Adam & Andrea, Andrea & Ebonie and Sam & Paul agreed to not U-Turn each other and target the three remaining teams. WOW! We saw our first Canadian car park spelling bee, team mates saddled up at Le Caroussel (whatever that is) and teams got lost rearranging tulips. NO teams chose the art Detour and that’s the one I would choose! I don’t know anything about flowers… Oh, and the one thing I LOVED was that they got to sit a Canadian Citizenship Test; man some of these guys really need to scrub up on their nations history… For shame! Haha!

To the teams:

Team #1 – Adam & Andrea

AdamAndrea (2)

DETOUR: Tiptoe through the Tulips
ROADBLOCK: Horse Play – Adam
Placings: 3rd, 7th, 3rd, 3rd, 1st

WAHEYYY, another first place win for the siblings, and this time without the help of a Fast Forward! Adam and Andrea did a smart, and also risky thing aligning with two top teams, and it looks like we’ll see that unravel next week. They did well this leg up until the U-Turn board! The whole deal was, with Andrea and Ebonie leaving way ahead of them at the Detour, the girls would U-Turn the PTs Korey and Ivana. Problem is the siblings got there first and saw the PT’s names weren’t on the board and they automatically thought the girls went against their word, forcing them to not U-Turn anyone! They left brashly and only thought about the possibility of Andrea and Ebonie getting lost after they drove off… Too late to go back right? Major boo boo when they arrived the Citizenship Test and the girls weren’t there. And what’s worse is that their alliance got U-Turned by the people they were meant to U-Turn, Korey and Ivana!! Nevertheless, Adam and Andrea bossed it showing they are a strong team, but for them to get ahead they will need to cut ties with everyone, especially the girls! They also won a five city cross Canada trip. GO TEAM AA!

“Take that, Canada! I know my shit!”

Team #2 – Sam & Paul

SamPaul (2)

DETOUR: Tiptoe through the Tulips
ROADBLOCK: Horse Play – Paul
Placings: 4th, 3rd, 4th, 1st, 3rd

Oh boy, this was NOT Paul’s leg. He struggled with the car parking; thanks for showing us that it’s not just girls who suck at it, haha. And just when I thought the boys were going to be left behind they bounced back at the Detour! From last to first place. Sam and Paul also arrived at the U-Turn board just in time to U-Turn Team Give’r. Nice play. Then Paul struggled again with the Canadian Citizenship Test… Jeez, this was really bad and you know he was freaking out when Sam was asking him if he’d be OK! It took eight attempts at the test (I still heart you Paul :P), but he finally got there! The boys came in second and secured their spot as one of the strongest teams in the Race. I still expect them to the make the Top 3.

#LOVEISLOVE #SamandPaul #Kristeph

Team #3 – Korey & Ivana

KoreyIvana (2)

DETOUR: Tiptoe through the Tulips
ROADBLOCK: Horse Play – Korey
Placings: 2nd, 8th, 2nd, 6th, 6th

These guys have been up and down each week and some how, the skies opened this leg and gave them third place! Ivana started the leg saying her back was better from last weeks diving accident. Little did we know she had actually fractured vertebrae in her spine. YIKES! This girl is tough nuts! Of course, it’s not Amazing Race Canada with Korey and Ivana without getting lost… And this time they couldn’t blame a cabbie! Directions are just not their thing. After a failed U-Turning by Team AA, the PTs were able to capitalise and U-Turn Andrea and Ebonie. Winning! After a couple of fails of the Citizenship Test they ended up in third place; honestly, I don’t even know how this happened. How long can their luck last?? I don’t think they will win TARC, but I’m all for a PT power finish in the Top 3 though!

Team #4 – Karen & Bert

KarenBert (2)

DETOUR: Tiptoe through the Tulips
ROADBLOCK: Horse Play – Karen
Placings: 6th, 4th, 5th, 5th, 5th

Look at Karen and Bert’s placings – they’ve finished in the bottom half of the pack every week except on the second leg. Good, but good enough? Probably not. But I guess when you get to the Final you never know what will happen. It’s often a clean slate for the top 3 teams. The couple did extremely well in the horse Roadblock and then at the Detour. They even went from last to first place and ended up at the Double U-Turn before any other team! They decided to go for the safe route and not U-Turn anyone. Fair enough. Turns out Bert is not so great at tests, or Canadian history, and Karen gives him THE best unimpressed stare down in the competition so far…


After 13 failed attempts, Bert finally passes the test!! Oh Bert!! A very respectable fourth place finish. And again, I just think they will be out of the competition in the next two weeks… Sorry guys! :/

Team #5 – Kenneth & Ryan

KennethRyan (2)

DETOUR: Tiptoe through the Tulips/Get the Picture (U-Turned)
ROADBLOCK: Horse Play – Ryan
Placings: 1st, 5th, 6th, 4th, 4th

GIVE’R!! Sick of it yet??? Hahaha. Or how about this face?


Ryan was out of the horsey Roadblock in first place, ended up getting lost on the way to the Detour and end up there fourth! The Give’r boys were pretty stoked to U-Turn’d, haha. You just know they take thing positively, and low and behold who do they see driving off from the board? Kenneth’s brother! BEING LOUD RUNS IN THE FAMILY. The boys smash out the Detour and while Kenneth shines at the Citizenship Test, Ryan fails. He does pass in the end, after this magnificent answer…..!

Toss up between Celine and Shania, honestly.

Team #6 – Andrea & Ebonie

AndreaEbonie (2)

DETOUR: Tiptoe through the Tulips/Get the Picture (U-Turned)
ROADBLOCK: Horse Play – Andrea
Placings: 7th, 2nd, 7th, 7th, 2nd

Wow, wow, wow. They just cannot get rid of this team (notice the digs from Give’r?)!! Haha. Andrea and Ebonie have some how stayed in this Race and I seriously am amazed. I have to give it to them though, they do have some strengths in this race, and one of them is their constant second and last placings! Are they destined for a second place next week though? Who the F knows?! I probably should stop throwing the girls under the bus from now on, because I just keep getting it wrong 😛 Andrea started off the leg well at the horse Roadblock and the girls flew through the Detour, then it just went awry. The struggle with directions took over and they fell so behind even Adam and Andrea lost faith in them! The girls ended up being U-Turned and finished last in this non-elimination leg (dammit!). They’ll have to complete a Speed Bump next week, and it looks like they start to butt heads with their alliance Team AA… UH OH! I smell trouble…

TFW you’re still in the race!!

Blog by Lynda Olson.